Evaluate the Software (7 of 9)
EdTech is growing at 16.3% and will grow 2.5x from 2019 to 2025, reaching $404B in total global expenditure (HolonIQ, 2020). With such growth, there are so many different options in relation to software and choosing the right one for you. So, selecting software should be easy; but making sure it is the right software for your context can be challenging. So how do you do it? Firstly, you need to know what you want to achieve with the software and then you can find the one that is fit for your purpose. To do that there are a few steps to consider.
Refine your LX Map
Now that you have created your map, it is time to refine it and identify all resources that are required. From welcome messages, summaries and support resources this refined map should have it all.
Identify the pedagogical principles
Pedagogy is simply defined as the method, and practice of teaching which encompasses teaching styles, teaching theory, and feedback and assessment (Times Educational Supplement, 2018). These principles are the ways in which the educator will teach the learners. So what principles are you using in your design? From instructivism to constructivism principles and everything in between, it is time to review your LX map and identify which principles you are implementing.
Develop the use cases
Now that you have identified the pedagogical principles; it is time to develop use cases from an educator and a learner perspective; as these will form the foundation of your evaluation. From a software development perspective, use cases are “… a written description of how users will perform tasks on your website. It outlines, from a user’s point of view, a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request” (usability.gov, 2021). In LX Design, the use cases describe how the user (learner/educator) will interact with the software, and what the outcome will be from that interaction. To do this, you write:
As a [user], I want to be able to [interaction] so [outcome].
In practice, an example may be:
As an [educator], I want to be able to [build a community of practice] so [learners feel a sense of belonging]
It is important to document these from an educator and learner perspective and this is where your personas will be beneficial. Once you have your use cases, it’s time to look at the software.
What software will you evaluate?
Sometimes it can be exciting to try and find something new; but, before you do, why not see what you already have access to? You may have some great software in your organisation that you are not aware of; so, before you go searching:
ask your support team for recommendations based upon your needs; or
ask your peers from professional forums and networks; or
use your knowledge of existing software you may have access to.
If there isn’t anything existing, source some software options that can be evaluated against your use cases.
Evaluate the software against the use cases
Now that you have the software recommendations, it is time to evaluate these against the use cases. Give one point if the software achieved the use case and 0 if it doesn't. The idea is to find the software with the highest score against the use cases so you know which is the best for your context. It will also indicate software that can be used across the course, and multiple pedagogical principles rather than having different software for different purposes. Note: this is just one way if doing it and you may find different ways to do this.
Identify software support resources
Have you ever taught an online course with new software that you were unfamiliar with? How this would feel. With that in mind, it is time to identify any support resources, or training opportunities for educators and learners. To do this, review your learner personas and LX map and ask yourself:
how are the educators supported to use and teach with he software?
what training is offered to educators?
how will the learners know how to use the software?
Use cases may seem like a lot of work, but these are crucial when evaluating different software for your context. Without them, you will undoubtedly inherit software that you might ‘try and fit’ for your context rather than being more purposeful in your software selection.
Next steps
Take the time to review your LX map, identify your pedagogical principles and develop your use cases today.